10 WWE Superstars Who Don't Live Up To Their Nicknames

6. Brock Lesnar (2002) - 'The Next Big Thing'


In 2002, Brock Lesnar ascended the King of the Ring throne, then mortalised the 'immortal' Hulk Hogan, before cracking The Rock to claim his first WWE championship. The title of 'Next Big Thing' no longer applied to the monster from Minnesota. He'd already arrived: he was the Big Thing.

Though it sounds a bit peculiar, it's actually a pretty good nickname for Brock. There's no question he's big, and equally there's no question he's a thing. Certainly makes more sense than 'The Beast Incarnate', which is faux-Shakespearian and a touch corny.

Suggested new nickname: The Big Thing

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Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.