10 WWE Superstars Who Had Shockingly Long Tenures

9. Big Daddy V

R Truth Elimination Chamber

Many things come to mind when thinking of Big Daddy V, such as the sight of an enormous, ridiculously attired 500lb man coming down the aisle with fake contacts. What does not come to mind is a long and storied career in the WWE. However, the big man actually wrestled over eight years for the company.

Viscera's first run in the WWE was as Mabel, in a tag team with his friend Mo, called Men on a Mission. At this point, Mabel was less than one year into his career and not ready for prime time. Due to his size, Vince McMahon immediately thrust him into the spotlight. Mabel would go on to win the King of the Ring and then famously, or infamously, wrestle Diesel and The Undertaker in main event feuds. He proceeded to injure both of them.

A few years later Mabel returned, repackaged as Viscera. This mostly uneventful run included the big man winning the hardcore championship for about 15 seconds at WrestleMania 2000. This was Viscera's only WWE singles title. After this Viscera disappeared for four years, only returning to form a short lived, aptly named tag team with Val Venis called V Squared. Viscera was then repackaged again as Big Daddy V and sent to the ECW brand in 2007, where he competed in the epic 'Monster Mash Battle Royale'.

Eight years, three proper gimmicks, additional variants of those gimmicks and a lot of lower card matches sums up Big Daddy V's career in the WWE. Tragically, Big Daddy V would pass at the young age of 43 after a long and at times uneventful, at other times fun, but at all times ridiculous pro wrestling career.


Canadian writer and Beer nerd with a love for all things wrestling and MMA.