10 WWE Superstars Who Lost WrestleMania Main Events

4. Bret Hart Is Pushed Aside For Hulk Hogan – WrestleMania IX

Hulk Hogan Bret Hart Wrestlemania 9

Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart was royally screwed out of headlining WrestleMania 9.

WWF had made a large-scale push the year prior to the PPV at pushing smaller and underappreciated talent to get over to combat the heavy steroid allegations thrown at the World Wrestling Federation at the time. Look to Bret Hart being promoted to main event status by winning the WWF Championship from Ric Flair at a Superstars taping in October 1992. Bret had good showings and successfully defended the title against the likes of Papa Shango, Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon in the lead-up to WrestleMania 9.

The WrestleMania 9 main event was built around/promoted as Bret Hart defending the title against the unstoppable villainous Yokozuna, who had won that year’s Royal Rumble with ease. Bret expected to win the match so was shocked and furious to learn not only would that not occur but straightaway after he lost Hulk Hogan would run down and win the WWE Championship in an impromptu squash from the first Samoan wrecking machine Yokozuna. Hogan ended WrestleMania 9 with a posedown that was the cherry on top of stealing Bret’s thunder.

Bret would have to wait a whole year to finally get his WrestleMania main event moment. Coincidentally this was after Hogan left the company.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.