10 WWE Superstars Who Desperately Need To Be Sent To NXT

These WWE Superstars would greatly benefit from some time spent in NXT.

Ask any wrestling fan, and they will no doubt agree that for a variety of reasons, NXT is far superior to WWE programming like Raw and SmackDown. A big part of that stems from the fact that talent down in Orlando get more time to actually wrestle, while storylines are better written and performers are able to avoid being saddled with career killing gimmicks. After all, there's a good reason why WWE talent are said to be jealous that those down in NXT get the chance to actually show their stuff, with even Divas Champion Nikki Bella recently being quoted as saying, "Man, if I was a NXT diva, I would, like, not wanna come up to the main roster because you get so much time down there. Especially after watching the NXT Rival pay-per-view, and see girls get 20 minutes? It€™s like a dream." That says it all! As great as that would be to see, there are any number of WWE Superstars who would greatly benefit from heading to NXT. Some have already spent some time there, and while going to Orlando might appear to be demotion for some more experienced performers, all of the suggestions which follow below would no doubt be better off in the long run. Whether it's a chance to reinvent themselves or simply breathe some much needed new life into their stagnating positions on the main roster, these Superstars and Divas need to be given the chance to shine, and where better to do that than somewhere like NXT?

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