10 WWE Superstars Who Will Never Be World Champion Again

1. Brock Lesnar

So here it goes: Brock Lesnar will never again be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. And here's why: Lesnar is in what will presumably be the final three years of his WWE career. They will follow the same pattern of the last three. Here and gone for months at a time. WWE took a shot to nothing once by putting the belt on the absent Lesnar. There was a novelty to it. The truth is though that Lesnar, alike a Rock and alike an Undertaker, is now beyond the WWE Title. He doesn't need it and WWE isn't going to dilute their product again by having an absent World Champion. Now, far from having a crystal ball, could WWE decide to flick the belt onto Lesnar for two months at Royal Rumble and have him lose again at WrestleMania this year? Of course. That is always a possibility. But it won't happen. Expect him to raise hell when he comes back. Expect him to destroy Seth Rollins. Expect him to get the revenge the crowd want to see him get. But do not, in any way, expect him to walk away as the WWE Champion. It won't happen. Brock Lesnar will never again be WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

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