10 WWE Superstars You Only Remember For Their Entrance

2. Gangrel

The man had one of the coolest entrances in wrestling history, point blank. His entrance music was pitch perfect, and painted the proper, haunting picture. His look made people think he was a real vampire, with his wild eyes, fangs in his mouth, and the drinking and spitting of "blood" before every match. He was a perfect fit in the over-the-top Attitude Era. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALFMYWFRjQs Gangrel never quite made it beyond the midcard, with his career high for the WWF being an unsuccessful European Title shot at the 1999 Royal Rumble. He had to sit and watch as his two "minions" in The Brood, Edge and Christian, would go on to become breakout stars. When they debuted and joined up with Gangrel soon thereafter, nobody expected Edge and Christian to have the careers they would go on to have. They were supposed to be background players for Gangrel while he would go on to become the star. Within a few months of forming, The Brood had split up with turns that didn't make any sense. Meanwhile, Edge and Christian would begin a feud with The Hardy Boyz, which set their career on fire and started their rise to the top. The gimmick was just fine for that time. It would have become less and less effective as the years went on, and as the business and fan base changed, but the gimmick itself was fine. Combined with that entrance, Gangrel should have become a bigger star than he was, but things just never "clicked". That entrance is going to be his lasting legacy in the wrestling business.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.