10 WWE Survivor Series 2018 Impulse Reactions
7. P*ss Poor
It would be easy to analyse the fairly inconsequential tag battle between The Bar and AOP before the bewildering conclusion, but discussing any of the heat the pairs might have assembled in the eight or so minutes before the madness began would give more credit to the origin story of this match.
Vince McMahon blatantly awarded his Tag Team Championships to the duo for the sole reason of ensuring diminutive manager (and 205 Live authority figure) Drake Maverick would have to be brought face-to-face with Sheamus and Cesaro crony The Big Show. He likely guffawed with glee imaging how silly it would look when the former 'Rockstar' went nose-to-nipple with his massive rival. His sides presumably split at the prospect of the ginormous man battering the smaller one. He likely p*ssed himself when he considered the ide-
And that's how it happened.
Never doubt McMahon's penchant for toilet humour, nor his steadfast belief that it'll actually help Drake in the long run. 20 years ago this month, he did the same thing on television as he was becoming the biggest heel authority figure in wrestling history. He may well genuinely believe this was Maverick's Mr McMahon moment.