10 WWE WrestleMania Myths EXPOSED
1. No, Sadly, Sycho Sid Did Not Sh*t His Pants

The myth:
At WrestleMania 13, with nowhere to go but the ring, Sycho Sid - his stomach cramping after a strenuous 45 minute epic against the Undertaker - couldn't hold it. He sh*t himself. Sh*t smushed out his trunks; the Undertaker was revolted; he never lived it down.
The myth exposed:
It's an urban legend that will never flush.
It's impossible to verify, even if it happened. The Undertaker will talk the hind legs off a donkey if you give the f*cker enough money in 2021, but he's never been asked. Nobody cares about whether or not you felt you could still go in 2018. You couldn't. Talk about the sh*t. The sh*t.
Understandably, nobody is daft enough to have asked Sid the question directly. The only person daft enough is Sid himself. Or possibly Ryback.
He wore black trunks on the night in question, so the scene is impervious to a deranged game of zoom-and-enhance on the WWE Network.
All leads are dead, but the legend persists, probably, because it is something that he would do. It's not even the damnedest Sid story; this is a guy who stabbed Arn Anderson with a pair of scissors, and, in another fabulous slice of wrestling apocrypha, put a gerbil in his briefs, which subsequently bit his ball sac.