10 WWE WrestleMania Myths EXPOSED
2. CM Punk Has Unfinished Business At The Event

The myth:
CM Punk, the last great surprise pop in all of wrestling, will one day generate it by making his grand return to WWE ahead of a future WrestleMania.
After all, he has unfinished business at the event. He never headlined it. In 2013, WWE rejected his offer to eat a pin in a Triple Threat match involving The Rock and John Cena, an offer he made just so that he could say that he did it. To Punk, the main event of WrestleMania - the real main event, the headliner, the last match, the match that had to follow everything else if it could - represented validation for his entire WWE run. He only wanted five minutes of it. It would prove to him that he was perceived by management as big a star as the part-time set he grew exhausted of putting over. A combination of factors compelled him to walk, but his exclusion from the 'Mania main event was emblematic of everything. To Punk, the main event was the best good guy versus the best bad guy.
He was both.
Surely, he can be lured back with an iron-clad guarantee of his due.
The myth exposed:
Nope. Per a recent Twitter Q&A, it's "a trap" he fell into and it "doesn't mean sh*t".
He's right - he is remembered more fondly than several wrestlers who did go on last - and the last faint notion tethering him to WWE is now gone.