10 WWE Wrestlers Buried By Words Alone

4. Booker T (again)

Poor Booker T. On two separate occasions in his WWE career he was left six feet under after getting into a verbal exchange with one of the company's biggest stars.

The second was perhaps even more egregious than the first. Booker was by this point an established Monday Night Raw name, granted, but he had still yet to bridge the considerable gap between being a popular mid-carder and a legitimate main event contender.

In order to do that, he needed his opponents to take him seriously - not write off his previous accomplishments (including five spells as WCW World Heavyweight Champion) as a consequence of sheer luck and circumstance.

Worse than that, Triple H implied in his pre-WrestleMania XIX dressing down that Booker had no place at the top of the WWE mountain because of an alleged criminal past. It was a massive knock on his credibility.
