The Eater Of Worlds has been one of WWE's most distinguishable characters in the last year. He even got to work a WrestleMania match with top star John Cena. His salary is thought to be within the region of $350,000. For a guy who main evented a pay per view (TLC) in 2015, that sum isn't really reflective of Wyatt's stature in the company. He's working with guys like Cena, and closing shows with Ambrose, so he should be getting paid more in the vicinity of $700,000. That figure tends to be normal for the interchangeable upper midcard / main evetner, with Alberto Del Rio earning $675,000 in 2013. Vince McMahon is a big Wyatt fan, as he admitted during the WWE Network Steve Austin special. That bodes well for Bray's financial future.