10 WWE Wrestlers Destroyed By Backstage Politics

8. Ken Anderson

Ken Anderson, who wrestled in the WWE as Mr Kennedy, was released from his contract on May 29th, 2009. Not that remarkable, except that he was released only four days after a much-hyped return from injury on the May 25th episode of Raw. This though, could perhaps be the rare case of backstage politics doing some good, as the big name stars threw their weight around to get Anderson fired for a reason. In his return match on the May 25th Raw episode, a 10-man tag match, Mr Kennedy delivered a botched back suplex on Randy Orton. In some pain, Orton is clearly angry after the spot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulob_LR-kIs After the incident, Orton told management that he would no longer work with Anderson, despite being good friends with him at the time. A number of other big stars had also complained to management about working with Anderson, including John Cena. In 2007, Cena had to vacate his WWE Championship after suffering a torn pectorals muscle as a result of a botched Anderson hip-toss. Vince McMahon, despite seemingly liking Anderson and his Mr Kennedy persona, was happy to terminate his contract just days after a big-deal return in order to protect his top stars. Anderson signed with TNA shortly after his release, but has never really made the push to the top level of stars at the company that other former WWE talents like Kurt Angle or Jeff Hardy managed to get to.

Michael Palmer is a contributor at whatculture.com and thelineofbestfit.com, and he probably likes WWE slightly more than most people would call "healthy".