10 WWE Wrestlers Destroyed By Backstage Politics

7. John Morrison

John-Morrison-john-morrison-22981222-635-395 Are you ready for WWE: The Soap Opera? No? Tough. It's happening. Let's talk about John Morrison and Melina... Right, so John Morrison and Melina are a couple. They were a couple for most of their careers with WWE. At some point, according to some people somewhere, Melina slept with some other wrestlers behind Morrison's back. Batista, they say. And others. Whatever. When this happened, Morrison didn't try and fight the other guys, and is therefore considered "weak" by many backstage, including Vince McMahon. This, apparently, is the reason he never appeared in a Wrestlemania main event. Not, as you might expect, the fact that he basically just jumped around the ring for a few minutes and couldn't cut a promo. Nope, definitely the "weak" thing. A less ridiculous story that could explain why WWE decided to not renew his contract in 2011 involves Melina and Trish Stratus at Wrestlemania 27. Melina was reportedly upset that Trish was used in a mixed-tag match at the event in Atlanta instead of her. According to Trish, Morrison was difficult to work with, rejecting all of her ideas in the match and generally not treating her all that nicely. This is backstage politics at it's murkiest, but there's no doubt that John Morrison's career didn't hit the heights it should have. Sure, whether or not he could make the jump to the main event level is debatable, but it seems that his relationship with Melina and his general behaviour led him to be considered more hassle than he was worth.

Michael Palmer is a contributor at whatculture.com and thelineofbestfit.com, and he probably likes WWE slightly more than most people would call "healthy".