10 WWE Wrestlers Set For Career-Best Years In 2021

5. Sasha Banks

Toni Storm

Sasha Banks and Bayley as a unit and rivalry have had a fantastic 2020, but the person in the spotlight for the majority of it was Bayley. Now that Banks has claimed the title and put in some strong showings, it seems that the roles are well and truly reversed. The future year that lies ahead of Sasha Banks is poised to finally put the boss back into a domineering championship spotlight.

While Banks has seen great success in her time on the main roster, it's always been surprisingly fleeting. She has held the RAW Women's title five times at a combined count of 109 days, with no single reign lasting over 30 days. Her current - and first - SmackDown Women's Title Reign is encroaching on that 30-day limit, and 2021 seems like the year that she will finally get a lengthy run.

Her wrestling abilities have always spoken for themselves, and she carries herself like a star, so fans should be prepared for her to make the most of this prominent spot she's in, and finally live up to the reputation she has set for herself.

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Toni Storm
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