10 WWE Wrestlers Set For Career-Best Years In 2021

4. Roman Reigns

Toni Storm

WWE tried so hard to make the fans love Roman Reigns in the modern era, and the whole time audiences were confident that if he were presented the right way, they could get behind him. Yet for years he was in this strange position at the top of the card, despite general backlash towards him. However, things got better, and his most recent run has been truly fantastic.

His new head of the family heel persona is astounding and has brought out the side of Reigns that fans loved in the first place. The dark side to his character is edgy and cool, and as such he is starting to resonate with audiences, and through this WWE could slowly but surely turn him into the top babyface star they've always wanted him to be.

Expect to see Roman change throughout 2021. Like his cousin The Rock before him, this heel persona will get fans intrigued and can slowly be switched out into a top tweener role, and eventually the bad-ass face of the company, finally achieving what WWE had planned for him all along.

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Toni Storm
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