10 WWE Wrestlers The Rock Refused To Wrestle

3. Daniel Bryan

The Rock Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan loves wrestling the most unique characters in wrestling, as shown at Survivor Series 2018 when he put on a thrilling performance against dream opponent Brock Lesnar. It makes sense that he would want to wrestle The People’s Champion too.

Bryan, like others before him, took his chance at trying to get Rock to come out of wrestling hiding for a match. He tweeted only last year ‘I would love to do a match with @TheRock based solely on how many times my daughter has made me listen to “You’re Welcome.” And then of course it’s stuck in my head and I sing it all day.’

The Rock took in all in jest, writing back ‘I can see the writing on this wall from miles away - I’ll be jobbing again in the spirit of being a girl dad. Let’s do it.’

The match never came to fruition, and likely won’t with Daniel Bryan’s contract recently quietly expiring. Which is a shame, given how entertaining these two were together in an in-ring promo on Raw in July 2012 when Rock laid him out with a Rock Bottom.


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.