10 WWE Wrestlers Triple H SAVED In 2022
Vince McMahon could've booked these WWE stars into oblivion. Then 'Papa H' stepped in!

WWE would have a different Intercontinental Champion, The Bloodline's story might not be as compelling, several major returns wouldn't have happened, and the worst characteristics of certain workers would definitely be spotlighted.
All of the above sound like realistic statements under the watchful gaze of one Vince McMahon - the now-former WWE boss obviously produced genius throughout his unmatched tenure on top of the pro wrestling tree, but he'd become an erratic, whim-led creative mess by the end, and his 'my way or the highway' outlook was actually becoming a hindrance to WWE's product.
Then, like magic, Triple H replaced Vince and saved some stars from certain disaster.
OK, so nobody is daft enough to think that 'The Game' gets everything right either, but he has rescued a fair few workers from creative oblivion since assuming control of the pen in July. Every single one of the men and women detailed here should be thankful that 'Papa H' took charge, because the second half of 2022 has been more kind to them than it otherwise could've been.
Here's who should be sending Triple H a Christmas card...
10. Nikki Cross

Nikki's 'Almost A Super Hero' (A.S.H) moniker was charming and felt like a nice throwback to the days of The Hurricane when it debuted in the summer of 2021. It was always going to be a short-lived curiosity though, and fans were super-bored of the A.S.H thing by 2022.
Change was needed. Change happened.
The pint-sized Scot burst back into view as Nikki Cross in late-October, and she's been back to her unnerving best ever since. There's an infectious energy about Nikki's performances, but Triple H knew he had to tone down the cartoonish elements of her presentation (whether heel or babyface) and start getting serious again.
What was the alternative? Continue plundering the A.S.H mine when it was abundantly clear to anyone with eyes that the gimmick had run its course? That might not have stopped the prior regime from beating their heads against a proverbial brick wall with Nikki, or doubling down on the persona's silliest aspects.