10 WWE Wrestlers Vince McMahon Booked Better Than Triple H

4. AJ Styles

Theory Vince McMahon

When AJ Styles first arrived in WWE back in 2016, the collective Internet wrestling community held its breath.

Here was a guy who had worked for TNA, Ring of Honor, New Japan Pro Wrestling, hell, he'd even gotten his start in WCW! If there was anyone less tailormade for Vince McMahon, we certainly couldn't think of them.

And then, miraculously, he was pushed.

In his first year in the company, Styles won the top prize, main event several pay-per-views, and even beat John Cena clean as a sheet. Since then, he's been world champion again, won various other titles, and had high-profile matches at WrestleMania.

Even the stuff with Omos was fun, recapturing some of the essence of Styles' run with Tomko many years before.

Since Mr. Helmsley took over, he's felt a bit aimless. He's wrestled for the United States title a few times, feuded with Judgment Day, and beat Finn Balor at Survivor Series, but none of it has ever felt like it's going anywhere.

Granted he's been injured since then, but if what we've seen so far is anything to go by, then AJ will be not returning to the lofty heights of his past.

Speaking of lofty heights...


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.