10 WWE Wrestlers Vince McMahon Booked Better Than Triple H

3. Omos

Theory Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon always said that he knew how to book a giant right.

We're sure The Great Khali, Giant Gonzalez, King Mabel, and Nathan Jones would all agree with him...

Vince's most recent goliath was Omos, the 7' 3" former basketball player who debuted on the main roster as AJ Styles' bodyguard.

Ok, before that he was the doorman for Raw Underground. And actually, before that, he was Akira Tozawa's giant ninja.

What a weird few years this man has had.

Since Vince left town, Omos has had very little to do. Beyond a scuffle with Braun Strowman at Crown Jewel, he's been solely confined to competing in squash matches on Raw. It doesn't seem like Triple H has any idea what to do with him, which must be bringing his father-in-law to the verge of tears.

Vince always had something for Omos to do. Yes, he was pushed way beyond his level, but at least he was always around to cut a menacing presence.

The peak of this was during that intial run with Styles, although maybe we could have done without him pinning the Phenomenal One on Raw, thank you very much.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.