10 WWE Wrestlers Who Could Have (And Should Have) Wrestled The Undertaker At WrestleMania

2. Sting

Undertaker Razor Ramon WrestleMania XI

Speaking of old guards and longevity...

Perhaps the most talked-about Undertaker dream match ever, fans waited for so many years to finally see the Deadman face off with the Icon. Sting was the stalwart of WCW, first as a blonde surfer, and then as a face-painted spectre. It was this latter incarnation that fans wanted so long to see go one-on-one with The Undertaker, WWE's stalwart.

Unfortunately, Sting was wary of what WWE would do to his character, and so when WCW collapsed, he disappeared from the limelight, only to resurface in TNA, where he stayed for nearly a decade. There were opportunities for WWE to finally bring him in for a WrestleMania match with 'Taker, but Sting stood his ground.

In 2015, WWE finally had their opportunity when they got Sting for WrestleMania 31. However, instead of delivering on the match, they fed him to Triple H while 'Taker had a serviceable, if underwhelming, match with Bray Wyatt. Months later, Sting would suffer a serious neck injury and officially retire.

Sure, the match could have only happened past both men's primes, but boy, it would have been a moment for the ages.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.