10 WWE Wrestlers Who Could Have (And Should Have) Wrestled The Undertaker At WrestleMania

3. Chris Jericho

Undertaker Razor Ramon WrestleMania XI

Chris Jericho is one of the last of his generation: a self-made wrestler who basically does whatever he feels like, going in and out of the company at his whim. 'Taker is in the same category of old guard legend who does what he feels like, as even with WWE "retiring" him last year, here he is once again to get a payday at WrestleMania.

With all the years Jericho and 'Taker spent as full-timers, it's unfortunate the two never had a 'Mania program together. Jericho has been one of the most dynamic and versatile performers of the last 20 years, and any of his personas would have doubtlessly made for an intriguing feud with the Deadman.

Unfortunately for Jericho, he didn't exactly have the size Vince McMahon wanted out of 'Taker's opponents, and by the time the likes of Shawn Michaels and CM Punk were challenging the streak, Jericho didn't have the cache to justify a WrestleMania feud.

Still, with how these two have managed to maintain relevancy into the twilight of their careers, fans still wonder what a confrontation between the pair would look like.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.