10 WWE Wrestlers Who Couldn't Live Up To The Hype

1. Vladimir Kozlov

ryback wwe

The WWE bookers did pretty much everything they could to convince fans that Vladimir Kozlov was going to become a main event mainstay - including a clean SmackDown victory over The Undertaker - but it never really stuck.

'The Moscow Mauler' was plenty intimidating, to be fair, and of course Russian (or at least Ukrainian), making him perfect for the not-at-all hackneyed wrestling role of an American-hating foreigner. He also had a half-decent moveset, including one of the best-looking headbutts we've ever seen.

Where he fell down was the fact that he wasn't really all that physically impressive - at least compared to the likes of The Great Khali, Big Show and Mark Henry, anyway (no-one is seriously suggesting that a man who - according to Wikipedia - knows kickboxing, judo, jiu-jitsu and MMA isn't a badass).

And, to compound things, he was given too much too soon. Wins over the 'Deadman' have to be earned through years of slowly climbing up the wrestling ranks. You can't just give one to a rookie after a few months in the job and expect fans to buy it.

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