10 WWE Wrestlers Who Have Struggled Under Triple H’s Booking

2. Johnny Gargano

Hit Row WWE 2022

Johnny Gargano is one of the most talented in-ring technicians that WWE has had the opportunity of promoting in decades, which was shown through his consistent high-level performances in NXT. Not everyone will be a fan of his wrestling style, and the overindulgence of kickouts and lengthy matches may be a valid criticism of the archetypal Gargano performance.

However, at his best, the former member of DIY has been a part of some of the best matches in the company's recent history. Currently, Triple H is absolutely botching the main roster run of 'Johnny Wrestling' since he returned in August, as he has been used as an annoying, comedic character that is currently playing foil to The Miz.

Considering how exceptional he was on NXT, it should be considered as quite a failing of HHH's booking that he is misusing the 'Rebel Heart' so exceptionally. Throughout his time in The Way, Gargano did show himself to be a competent comedic performer, but the crucial aspect of this was that he was a heel.

If WWE is intent on presenting him as a mid-card attraction, then they should at least consider turning him in order to make his goofy characteristics more fitting.


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