10 WWE Wrestlers Who Lost Their Mojo
2. Kane

When you've been doing wrestling (or anything really) for as long as Kane has, a decline of some description is inevitable and completely forgivable.
On the other hand, we're duty-bound to point out that there are several worlds of difference between the full body-suited Big Red Machine who came into our lives at Badd Blood 1997 and the dad-bod one we watch squash Finn Bálor today.
You can't really blame Glenn Jacobs himself; physical deterioration is unavoidable, and the reason his character is no longer taken seriously is because of things like May 19, "Embrace The Hate", and the year he spent doing Stephanie McMahon's bidding.
It's impossible to come back from all of that and still expect to command the respect of wrestling fans, even if you are one of WWE's longest-serving and most loyal employees. We've just seen too much, and Kane is no longer good enough in the ring to make us forget it.