10 WWE Wrestlers Who Were Better In The Indies

9. Drew McIntyre

El Generico At Chikara 2013

Drew McIntyre (aka Drew Galloway) vowed to become Britain's first WWE Champion when he made his farewell WCPW appearance after signing a deal to return to WWE. The early part of his run on NXT has been promising enough to suggest that might be a realistic ambition, and if he gets his wish we might have to re-evaluate his position on this list.

Until then, though, you can't ignore the chasm between Galloway's stellar work on the British indie scene (including a run as WCPW World Champion) and his stints in WWE. Despite being anointed "The Chosen One" by Vince McMahon himself, the Scot was never afforded the opportunity to rise above the level of an Intercontinental Champion always punching ever so slightly beneath his weight.

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Sami Zayn
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