10 WWE Wrestlers Who Will NEVER Win A World Title

7. Ricochet

LA Knight

There is an easy argument to make that Ricochet is one of the most gifted high-flying wrestlers of all time. The man can bounce around the ring like, well, a ricocheting bullet (look at that) and has shown off his prolific skills in both indie and major promotions. Still, while he certainly turns heads, it seems he's destined to stay forever in the mid-card.

Ricochet has been in WWE now since 2018 and has been on the main roster since 2019. He has captured some gold in that time, winning the Intercontinental Championship and the United States Championship. However, his career trajectory has not seen him heading towards the main event, which every aspiring World Champion needs.

It's hard to pinpoint what WWE can't see in him as a top contender, as the man has a lot of potential for the main event. His position at the height of the Lucha Underground card (under the name Prince Puma) is a great example of that. Yet, in his current promotion, he is nothing more than a bit player.

Ricochet is the first person on this list who has qualified for the upcoming Money in the Bank match. But don't hold your breath on him taking it home.


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