10 WWE Wrestlers Who Would Win A Real Fight

7. Cesaro

The only thing worse than being beat down by a guy is being beat down by a guy with a cocky smile on his face. That is Cesaro and he's just having fun. Cesaro is unlike any other Superstar on the WWE roster because while he's tough and resilient as he should be, he is also cold and methodical. And that does not just describe his ring work but it also describes him as well. When you look at Cesaro, there is almost no way to discern what is in his mind or how he's feeling. There may be nothing more intimidating in the business or in everyday life than a guy that is so supremely confident that he does not feel the need to show emotion at all. That is Cesaro; he doesn't need to get wild eyed and loud, he simply just gets it done. He has a poker face that is second to none and that directly plays into his heel character. He is very calculating and everything he does is very much by design. Cesaro picks apart his opponents with a surgeon's precision and no one can do it quite like he can. But while fans may boo him when the situation calls for it, they also respect him for what he can do in the ring. And they respect him for his uncanny strength as well. It is the strength that allowed him to hold both The Big Show and The Great Khali upside down that is proof he can handle himself outside the ring. While the strongest man does not always win the fight, the truth is Cesaro is also an excellent wrestler. If someone stepped up to him out in the real world, he may find himself flat on his back cinched up in a hold he simply cannot get out of. They don't call him The Swiss Superman for nothing.
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