100 Greatest WWE WrestleMania Moments
81. ‘Mania Goes Jackass! (WrestleMania 38)

Eyes rolled when Jackass star Johnny Knoxville entered the men's 2022 Royal Rumble and lasted less than 90 seconds before being eliminated by Sami Zayn. 'What was the point?', critics bleated. 'Couldn't that spot have gone to a WWE full timer?!', others asked. Both were valid questions, but JK's seemingly pointless Rumble cameo led to one of the best comedy matches in WrestleMania history.
Stop the press, it's true.
Knoxville vs. Sami on 'Mania 38's second night was one million times better than anyone thought it'd be ahead of bell time. Their 'Anything Goes' stip meant other members of the Jackass collective could get involved, and Zayn went out of his way to clown himself so fans would laugh themselves silly. Sometimes, it's the matches you least expect to rule that legitimately do - Sami was on fire when falling for every basic Jackass-style stunt in the book just because he was blinded by rage for Johnny.
WWE going Jackass as late as 2022 shouldn't have clicked. Sure, the crew had a new movie out, but they were at least 15 years past their sell by date as a pop culture phenomenon. The cool thing is that nobody cared about that on 3 April 2022. Everybody in the audience became a 15 year old kid watching MTV again. Surely witchcraft is the only reasonable explanation for how Zayn and Knoxville managed that.
Both understood their assignment and went the goofy route so they wouldn't take away from other, more important matches later in the show. Good luck to anybody who fancies topping this comedic riot in the future.