11 AWFUL Members Of Iconic Wrestling Stables

5. Sid (Four Horsemen)

Edge Judgment Day

When you think of the iconic Four Horseman stable, you typically visualise technical, calculating masters of their craft - a bunch of effortlessly cool, cold, and usually villainous pals determined to do whatever it took to keep their place at the very top.

What probably doesn't spring to mind is the image of a chaotic giant, bellowing down the lens as his eyes bulge out of his skull.

But that was exactly the visual that came to be when the Horsemen opted to bring in none other than Sid Vicious to combat the might of Robocop. Yes, that was very much a situation these icons found themselves in back in 1990.

On paper, bringing in a big lad to reinforce the squad wasn't the worst idea.

But the constant source of madness that was Sid just never really fit in with the likes of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and co., and his brief time as part of the unit is rarely remembered by the average Horseman enthusiast - mostly because of how bizarre and forgettable it was.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...