11 AWFUL Members Of Iconic Wrestling Stables

4. Jon Stewart (The New Day)

Edge Judgment Day

One year on from popping the Barclays Center for his part in making sure John Cena didn't walk out of SummerSlam 2015 holding the WWE and United States Championship, The Daily Show presenter Jon Stewart was back once again for more summer fun.

Only this time, he clearly wasn't anywhere near as welcome. And it might have something to do with the fact he was filling in for a rather beloved member of an iconic babyface faction that night.

That member was Big E, of course, who'd had his member driven into the ring-post.

Stewart was seemingly called in to play the role of sympathetic honorary New Day member folks were supposed to give a damn about getting bullied by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson during Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods' match with the villains, but the whole thing was just awkward.

On top of being booed throughout his appearance and producing a hugely unfunny slapstick performance as he squirmed away from Gallows and Anderson, Stewart's uncomfortable hip shaking soon cemented this guest as easily one of the worst things to ever happen to the adored New Day.

New Day usually Rocks... this, and unicorn-horn-wearing Stewart, did not.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...