11 Big Comic Book Characters CM Punk Could Play

8. Loki

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsOf course, we all know that Loki is played by the inimitable Tom Hiddleston in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so that role is taken - and CM Punk would be an undoubted step down if the Englishman was ever replaced, to the extent that there would be uproar - but, like some of the previous entries, we imagine that Punk would do a great job in a voice role as the trickster villain. Punk has a snide deviousness to his personality that is perfect for Loki and that comes across in a lot of what he says - particularly in character - and that would work well if he was to take up the part in some form of animated media. Indeed, Punk's wrestling persona was actually very Loki-esqu, in that he would often cause havoc amongst his fellow superstars or against the system and proceed to sit back and laugh as the turmoil unfolded. As far as his looks are concerned, he wouldn't actually be a bad fit for the character in live action but, as we already mentioned, it would be better to stick to a voice role regarding Thor's adopted brother (for the time being, at least).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.