11 Big Talking Points From WrestleMania 31

10. Dean Ambrose - Lost In The Shuffle

Four to five months ago, Dean Ambrose was the hottest babyface in the WWE. His merchandise was selling great and he was getting some of the biggest reactions of the night. Fast forward to WrestleMania 31 and he's lost in the shuffle. He got some nice spots in with the opening ladder match, but by the end of the night he was the forgotten man. Meanwhile, his former Shield buddies were both putting on a hell of a performance in the main event. Roman Reigns closed the show, and Seth Rollins left as the WWE Champion after cashing in his Money In The Bank. You have to feel for Ambrose. He is the odd man out, as WWE pushes forward with Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt, Cena and Bryan in the key spots. For all the praise at how Mania 31 elevated and reinforced talents, it badly overlooked the talent of Ambrose.
WWE Writer

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