11 Big Talking Points From WrestleMania 31

6. Internet Wrestling Fans Out Of Touch?

Going into WrestleMania 31, internet wrestling community fans had already decided that this was going to be the worst Mania ever. Some even said that the build was proof that Vince McMahon had finally lost his mind. Yet here we are, the day after the event. The same fans are now calling it one of the best WWE shows of all time. Is Vince getting the credit for it? No. Instead all the plaudits are going to the individual wrestlers, like Randy Orton and Seth Rollins. All of this makes you wonder if it is in fact the hardcore IWC that is out of touch. The quality of the Mania show was there to see, and the $12.6 million gate and increased Network subscriptions is proof that the event was a draw.
WWE Writer

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