11 Biggest Missteps On The Road To WrestleMania 38

1. Seth’s Challenging Road

The Miz Logan Paul

To be fair, this item already had the top spot before WWE Raw this week. But Monday’s developments cemented its dubious position.

Seth Rollins, a multi-time world champion who has main-evented WrestleMania in the past, just couldn’t seem to find a path to WrestleMania 38. First, he and Kevin Owens failed to win the Raw Tag Team Championship. Then he tried to steal KO’s idea and ended up in a match to determine who would host a Mania talk show with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

Failing there, he tried the same thing with AJ Styles, trying to get his match with Edge. And once again, the idiot authority figures booked a match that Rollins lost. Finally, Seth went berserk and threatened to hold Raw hostage, which led to a meeting with Vince McMahon that just unravelled the previous month.

You see, Seth could have just asked for a match at Mania. In fact, Vince thought he was an idiot for jumping through all of those hoops, and by extension, we fans were idiots for watching and following along on this storyline. Literally, none of it mattered, and the end result was Rollins dancing and cackling around McMahon’s office.

This was supposed to be a significant storyline, as it presumably is leading to the return of Cody Rhodes, and yet, it was all rendered meaningless, making fans fools for getting invested. Worse, none of it was logical, interesting, or even good in the first place.

Epic failure. And yet, Mania might still deliver on multiple fronts, so what does that say about all of this?

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Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.