11 Famous Wrestling "Holy Grounds" That Still Stand

5. Rosemont Horizon


There've only been a handful of 5-star matches in WWE history, and greedy Chicago had to go and take two of them. In the same arena, no less!

Not liking the rental fee of the United Center in the city proper, the Rosemont Horizon has always been WWE's preferred Chicago venue. That's just fine for fans, as the Horizon holds a more special place in their hearts. The arena has hosted two and a third WrestleManias (it being one of the three venues for WrestleMania II). It has seen moments such as Edge spearing Mick Foley through a flaming table, Rey Mysterio winning his first World Title, and belter matches such as Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena and Tyler Bate vs. Pete Dunne.

But of course, it's probably most well-known for Bret Hart and Steve Austin's submission match as well as CM Punk's defeat of John Cena for the WWE championship. Both matches earned a rare (for WWE) 5 stars from the Wrestling Observer, and played instrumental roles in changing the direction of the company in the years that followed.

WWE owes much of their history to what has happened within the walls of the Horizon.

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