11 Fantasy WWE Tag Matches We'd Love To Have Seen

4. The Powers Of Pain Vs The APA

Participants: The Barbarian and The Warlord Vs Farooq and Bradshaw. The Powers of Pain were the intimidating team of the Barbarian and the Warlord. As the name would suggest, the team were all about brute strength and hurting opponents as much as possible. They first started wrestling in Jim Crockett Promotions, where they feuded with the Road Warriors, won a title, and were fairly big players, but they didn't have much success when they continued to team together in the World Wrestling Federation. They actually started out as faces, with Tito Santana managing them, but they would go on to be outright heels with spells under the Barron and, most prominently, Mr. Fuji. They feuded with the likes of Demolition, the Bushwhackers and the Rockers, but never won any titles in the biggest wrestling organisation in the world. They did, however, dish out a lot of pain. The APA (Acolytes Protection Agency) consisted of wrestling legends Ron Simmons (known as Farooq during his spell in this team) and Bradshaw. Like the Powers of Pain, they were very much about power and laying down the hurt on opponents - albeit less sadistically - and they acted as bodyguards for hire for a number of lesser superstars who needed their protection - including Kai En Tai and the Mean Street Posse, the latter being the team who initially gave Bradshaw the idea. They feuded with the likes of Bull Buchanan and the Big Bossman, Edge and Christian and the Dudley Boyz and ended up winning the WWF World Tag Team Championship three times. This match wouldn't be pretty, but it would be entertaining as hell. Winners: The APA. They had more success and, to put it simply, two superior wrestlers who were both fantastic singles wrestlers to boot. The Powers of Pain would be the ones hurting the most come the inevitable count of three, after a Clothesline from Hell to take out one member and an Aided Powerbomb to finish off the other.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.