11 Genius Tweaks That Made LAME Wrestling Gimmicks GREAT!

4. The Young Bucks Embrace Their EVP Status

The Rock Final Boss

The Young Bucks had already been gradually moving into heelish territory in the time before they returned to challenge Sting and Darby Allin in early 2024.

And while it may be a bit harsh to class their gimmicks as completely lame at this point, there's also no denying that Matt & Nick Jackson were in need of a refresh in the wake of losing the ROH Six-Man titles with Hangman Page - throwing a tantrum shortly after - and failing to defeat the Golden Jets at Full Gear 2023.

That eventual refresh/tweak announced itself on the night of January 10, with the Bucks walking out onto the Dynamite stage dressed like a pair of wonderful douchebags. This was merely the first sign of the conceited attitude they were about to bring to this particular Superkick Party.

From here, the tag legends finally well and truly embraced their EVP status, handing out fines to those who got in their way, demanding to be called by their God given names of "Matthew" and "Nicholas", and even tweaking their fan-favourite entrance to a more narcissistic presentation.

And just like that, a pair of Bucks who seemed in danger of fading away on the show they helped create were revitalised, bringing in the aforementioned Jack Perry and Kazuchika Okada as they look to fully take over this land of All Elite.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...