11 Most Overused Moves In WWE

8. The Lucha Pin Sequence

About forty seconds into the embedded video you'll see what I've dubbed the "Lucha Pin Sequence". A single move (often simply touching the back of the opponent's knee) takes a wrestler down and he's immediately covered, usually kicking out in less than a one-count. Immediately back to his feet, he's now the one to knock his opponent down with a single weak move, and he also goes for an early pin that doesn't see the ref's hand touch the mat.

The two stand, facing each other, reconsidering their sense of superiority. Have these warriors finally met someone who can match their skills? Have they perhaps met their equals, at long last? No, they've met someone who seemingly has as little knowledge of combat as they have.

There's no way in hell these lazy pins would ever lead to a fall, and they're not putting enough effort into them for the old commentary trick about wearing the opponent down by forcing them to kick out to ring true. Instead, it's all a show for the crowd, and it comes across that way, breaking immersion within a match that could otherwise have been great.

Like so many of the things on this list, this has been done so often that even great performers seem like they're just going through the motions with it.


After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.