11 Most Successful Ring Of Honor Alumni

9. The Wolves

Selected Career Accomplishments: 1 Time World Champion (Davey Richards); 1 Time World Champion & 1 Time Television Champion (Eddie Edwards); 2 Time World Tag Team Champions (ROH); 2 Time World Tag Team Champions (TNA) The Wolves are a highly skilled tag team that made their name during a stint in ROH from 2008 to 2013 as The American Wolves. Both members of the team won the ROH World Championship, with Eddie Edwards winning his title on March 19th 2011 and Davey Richards dethroning Edwards himself on June 26th 2011. They also enjoyed two reigns as Tag Team Champions. Before debuting in TNA in January 2014, where they have gone on to become Tag Champions twice over, The Wolves actually had a tryout for WWE. Richards said, in an interview with Newsday.com, that WWE 'gave him the creeps. Everyone's just walking around on eggshells'. When you couple this with the fact that Richards also stated that the team is not on good terms with ROH anymore, it becomes obvious that The Wolves are unlikely to wrestle for anyone except TNA for the foreseeable future.

Comics. Movies. TV. Wrestling. Video Games. Husband. Father. Geek.