11 Most Successful Ring Of Honor Alumni

7. Cesaro

Selected Career Accomplishments: 1 Time United States Champion & Andre The Giant Memorial Trophy Winner (WWE); 2 Time World Tag Team Champion (ROH) Cesaro is easily one of the best workers currently plying his trade in WWE. The things he can do in the ring sometimes boggle the mind, with his immense strength and technical ability meaning he rarely (if ever) takes part in a bad match. His time in ROH, where he wrestled under his real name Claudio Castagnoli, saw success in the Tag Team division and also a pursuit of the World Title, including matches against the likes of Brian Danielson (soon to become Daniel Bryan in WWE). Much has been made of how 2014 should have been his year to ascend to the very top of WWE but somehow it went wrong along the way, ending with Vince McMahon making very public comments on Steve Austin's podcast about how Cesaro wasn't connecting with the WWE Universe. While it's true that the first half of the year was much better for Cesaro, including two shots at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in an Elimination Chamber match and a Money In The Bank ladder match, the latter part of the year wasn't a complete waste, seeing him competing regularly for the Intercontinental and United States Championships. It's definitely not too late for Cesaro, as WWE clearly recognizes his talent, so it wouldn't be surprising to see him make another tilt towards the main event in 2015.

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