Who the hell would've ever thought that the least charismatic member of DX and a masked freak that rarely ever spoke would be able to get over so well as a pair? Over the years, Kane would be paired with a number of cruiserweight competitors (RVD, Hurricane, Rey Mysterio) as a way to enliven his matches with and usually add some extra humor to his character. But it was his teaming with X-Pac that stuck the landing the best. In a relatively short matter of time, Kane went form a silent, lumbering psychopath to having a girlfriend (Tori), executing dropkicks, and talking without his voicebox. WWE's decision to have X-Pac turn on Kane seemed like a rash decision at the time, and in hindsight was probably a case of "let's hurry up and do something new." Because God forbid they stick with something that's working--even if it's a bit unorthodox--for more than a few months before pulling the plug on it. Just imagine they're behind-the-scenes interactions. Granted, Austin hadn't quite revealed his quirkier side by this point, but there's no doubt Dude Love could've shone the light on his humorous side.