11 Possible Reasons John Cena Is Leaving WWE

3. Creative Lacked Plans For Cena

It is always a possibility that WWE creative simply had nothing for Cena to do in November. With nothing for him to do, they gave him some time off. The issue with that, is they could have still sent him on the international tour. Not having him on television doesn't mean he couldn't have appeared in other capacities. And is it really that likely that WWE couldn't have came up with a creative plan for its biggest star? Still, lack of creative does tend to be a reason wrestlers get time off. Even big stars, back in WWF and WCW, Hulk Hogan would sometimes get time off due to creative buffering between one storyline and the next. Maybe WWE are ending the US title reign and then want to give breathing space until Cena's next storyline. With no creative in place to buffer his current story with whatever comes next, it maybe made sense to give him a well earned break.
WWE Writer

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