11 Reasons Why The Million Dollar Man Was WWE's Biggest Heel

9. He Paid A Jobber To Wrestle For Him

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZqa5cD88Q4 Yup. He once paid a guy to wrestle in his place. After deciding his opponent was just a €œpreliminary bum€ and not worth sweating for, DiBiase paid $5,000 to an unknown, wide-eyed wrestler named Mr. Washington to do his work for him. Virgil handed over the money and the job was his. Unfortunately, things didn€™t go so well for Mr. Washington. He lost the contest to another unknown named Chris Curtis, who probably never won another match on WWF TV. A devastating backbreaker is all it took to put the cash-grabbing youngster away. It wasn€™t a wise investment on the part of €œThe Million Dollar Man.€ To make matters worse, Washington was held by Virgil and repeatedly slapped around by DiBiase before suffering an old school beat-down, complete with Ted spitting on him for good measure. Oh yeah, Ted also took back his $5,000.
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Ted DiBiase
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Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.