11 Stupidest Wrestling Names Ever
Before HHH there was Terra Ryzing!
A good ring name can absolutely transform a career; just look at Steve Austin. A brief flash of inspiration, apparently provided by his second wife, gave birth to one of the most famous ring names in wrestling - when she told the Rattlesnake to drink his coffee before it went 'Stone Cold'. Before that he was struggling with the ill-fitting 'Ringmaster'. Afterwards, he had a name which rolled off the tongue, conjured the correct image, and made sense in the context of his character. Equally, a bad ring name can have disastrous consequences, but which is the worst in wrestling history? For every simple, evocative title such as 'The Rock', 'Kane', or 'Undertaker' - names that instantly tell us everything we need to know about a certain wrestler - there's a confusing, bawdy, or downright unsuitable moniker out there. It's important not to confuse a terrible ring name with a terrible gimmick - although there is considerable crossover. On this list, I'll be leaving out names like 'The Gobbledy Gooker' and 'Bastion Booger' - titles which perversely made sense, despite belonging to two of the poorest gimmicks in WWE history. Now that that's clear, let's dive in...
11. Sexton Hardcastle