11 Terrible Fourth Wall Breaking Wrestling Moments
11. Bob Orton’s Bloodbath Of Doom
To be fair, many of Taker’s feuds could be considered fourth wall breaking, but his battle against The Ortons may have been the silliest one ever, as it also broke every known law of logic in existence repeatedly.
We all know that Taker is a man who likes to play mind games, but he really took things to the extreme with Randal Orton and his father Bob. In 2005, The Phenom didn’t just play some of those mind games, he actually went INTO Randy’s mind, and made him see his dad’s face covered in blood in the locker room! Moments later, the blood was all gone as Randy was only hallucinating. This makes perfect sense because...wait, hold on a second..how did WWE get that camera in Randy’s brain and then display what he was seeing on the screen? When Randy went back to look at the footage later after the show, what exactly did he see?
Also in this feud, Taker hacked into some backstage video monitors, and appeared right behind his enemies. He even POSSESSED JOSH MATTHEWS. He somehow also got into his brain, and made his vocal cords sound exactly like his. Oh yes, spooky music also played during the possession...where did it come from?
Since none of this stuff is possible in human reality, and since it was so far-fetched from what the company presents on a weekly basis, we’ll say it was a bit of fourth wall breaking nonsense.