11 Things That Only Make Sense In Wrestling (... AND Nowhere Else)

10. Some Wrestlers Can Spit Poison

Jinder Mahal R Truth

Wrestling has always been a place over-flowing with colourful characters, with some obviously being stranger than others.

But while watching a person pretend to be a superhero or vampire wouldn't appear to be all that strange to anyone who'd ever visited a Comic-Con, the same cannot be said for those individuals fond of spitting a certain substance at their rivals.

Whether it's the more commonly seen green variation, the burning red one, or the blinding black, this poison mist being conjured up from an apparent secret gland within some wrestlers' and exploded into the faces of their enemies is an occurrence that only really makes sense inside of the fantasy land that is pro wrestling.

"Oh, Asuka has temporarily and rather horrifically blinded someone again on her way to winning a belt, has she? What is she like, eh?"

Imagine having to worry about a person potentially hitting you with toxic spray if you were standing in the way of them getting a promotion.

But that's not the only supernatural wrestling weapon that would be all kinds of weird anywhere else...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...