11 Things We Learned From Becky Lynch On Talk Is Jericho

4. Training At The Performance Center

Becky reveals that right before she was signed she was warned that the company may only be looking for models and that her future would really just depend on the mood Vince was in when she came across his desk, to which Jericho comments that she could easily fit in with the models as well (Jericho, you sly devil, you). Becky was the first group to have access to the Performance Center, starting in July of 2013 and it was almost two years later to the day when she was called up to the main roster. During her time in NXT she would train daily Monday - Friday and then do shows on the weekends, usually Saturdays.
"I loved it! What's not to love? every day, training and improving as a sports entertainer. Promo classes with Dusty Rhodes. Norman Smiley, Billy Gunn, Sara Del Ray, you can't get better than that. And then training in this state of the art gym. It's incredible."

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.