11 Times Brock Lesnar Proved WWE Raw Is His Yard

1. The Face Off With Seth Rollins

In 2015, WWE are a point where Lesnar is more over than he ever has been. You could see that when he returned on the June 15th Raw. All he had to do was walk to the ring and smile at Seth Rollins, to elicit a massive reaction from the Cleveland audience. That's the sign of a truly great worker, when a wrestler can pop the crowd just from the look on their face. Rollins played the segment perfectly, selling fear and backing out of the ring. The angle had tremendous substance to it, an emotional depth that connected with the audience and set up the biggest narrative of WWE's summer. It was evidence of how far Brock has came as a performer, he no longer needs to be the rampaging brute, he can just play a look and get a megastar reaction. He told more of the story with an expression on his face than he could have done with a mic in his hand. That's Brock Lesnar in 2015, a complete performer who is over like nobody else in the business. His history speaks for itself, WWE Raw is well and truly his yard.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.