11 Ups & 2 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (14 Oct)
9. Morrissey Rumbles The Competition

Look, it's a Battle Royal. They can only really go one way.
Regardless, IMPACT did a decent enough job with last night's offering, cementing W. Morrissey as the Call Your Shot gauntlet match's twentieth entrant, effectively stating he's either winning the whole thing or some plucky babyface is eliminating him last. He eliminated Chris Sabin last in a bit of a deflating finish as he simply tossed him over the ropes, but again, it was decent enough.
The former Big Cass was on top form throughout, working with Moose to dump out Alisha Edwards in the first few seconds to continue that story. It worked, though the crowd didn't care, which says enough. Later on, the big beefy men sent Ace Austin flying from the ring and onto Madman Fulton on the ramp. It's the image above this text, but the GIF of it must be sought out on IMPACT's Twitter page.
There wasn't much else to enjoy in the match. Fulton launching Brandi Lauren from the ring and the Learning Tree saving Brian Myers from elimination before he was eliminated anyway were both superb spots in an otherwise standard Battle Royal. If a match can be both dull and effective, then this was it.