11 Worst Spinoff Factions In Wrestling History

1. nWo B-Team


Forget every other faction the nWo spinoff, this is by far the worst. Even the WWE’s version of the nWo in 2002 with Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels that never took off produced better moments than anything the nWo B-Team produced.

They were lower card wrestlers labelled as nWo B-Team by other wrestlers and commentators on the show. Curt Hennig and Big Show monetarily being members was the only highlight. After that the faction had Stevie Ray, Vincent, Horace Hogan, Brian Adams and Scott Norton in the famous black and white colours to be.

They would often be mocked by Hogan and other members of the nWo Elite. When you’re getting mocked by Virgil for being a lower card nWo member you know you’re in trouble. There was little charisma in the group, with no one really caring. Even their theme song sounded like generic jobber music.

It’s hard to fathom how nWo at Bash at the Beach 1996 crumbled into nWo B-Team. But that was symbolic of WCW at the time, with the entire company crumbling around this time.


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